Healthy living

The Skinny Caffe Honest Review

Is it really a miracle product or just a scam? I’ve spent the last few months drinking it daily to find out.

I’ve tried two flavours of coffee so far with the salted caramel one being my favourite.

It’s a great way to start the day and fulfils my caffeine craving while allegedly helping to boost my metabolism, burn fat, increase energy levels, suppress my appetite.

What’s in it

Since drinking the coffee I have lost 16 pounds over the course of a few months.

My diet has drastically changed and while I’m eating healthy balanced meals I still enjoy the odd dessert here and there. (Check out some of my recipes here)

Me at 69kg and me now at 62kg

However I have been going to the gym at least once a week since the start of October to do 1 hour of cardio on top of walking to and from uni, the shops etc. Which has also contributed to the weight loss.

October 2018

I really was unsure when I first started to drink the coffee if it was actually going to work or if it was going to be like some of the other detox drinks I’ve tried where I lost a little water weight but didn’t see any difference on the scales. I’m so glad to be proven wrong and to actually loose that weight is amazing for me.

Shop it here use the code Alisha25 to get 25% of your order.

Selection of skinny caffe products

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